Our Story

Our Story

Hello, I’m Anup Arora, owner and creator of SpiceVine. My fascination with food began during my teenage years growing up in the Middle East and subsequently in India where food varies greatly from state to state. Following my formal training as a chef, I worked under some incredible chefs both overseas and within Australia before launching SpiceVine in 2012.

I grew up eating dishes with fresh turmeric, toasted cumin seeds, roasted garlic, crunchy cardamom pods and lots of fresh herbs. Spices and flavours like these are not traditionally used in Australian cooking and I have found that often people who are new to the wonderful world of Spice are a bit nervous using it in their cooking, which is where SpiceVine comes in. SpiceVine products use fresh ingredients and tried and tested recipes (secret recipes, sorry) to deliver rich and vibrant flavours for you to use at home. We have done the hard work for you so a tasty, flavourful dinner is as simple as squeeze, stir, enjoy.

SpiceVine products have a 4-6 week shelf life because we do not use any artificial colours, flavours, preservatives. SpiceVine marinades are GLUTEN, NUT and DAIRY FREE and not too hot so the whole family can enjoy them.

All SpiceVine marinades and relishes are handcrafted in small batches and absoloutely, positively natural. Go on, add some spice(vine) to your life  and give your taste buds something to talk about.
